Eagle Terrace

Eagle Terrace (329 Eagle Street, Newmarket) is operated by Extendicare, a for-profit operator of long-term care homes in Canada. There are approximately 70 beds in private, semi-private and shared rooms.

Eagle Terrace is formerly owned and operated by Revera.

Inspection Reports for Eagle Terrace

Our research team carefully reviewed and summarized inspection reports for Eagle Terrace. You can read the original copies of the reports in the Government of Ontario website.

🔍  November 2023: Proactive Compliance Inspection

This inspection report for Eagle Terrace, led by Nicole Lemieux and Rodolfo Ramon, covered a wide range of protocols including skin and wound prevention, resident care, food and nutrition, medication management, and falls prevention, among others.

  • Plumbing Fixtures: There was an issue with maintaining plumbing fixtures. A leak under a sink in a resident’s room was reported but not effectively fixed, despite maintenance records stating otherwise. The issue was remedied during the inspection.
  • Duty to Respond: The licensee failed to respond in writing to the Resident’s Council’s recommendation regarding the repair of the leak under the bathroom sink within the required 10-day period. This failure delayed the implementation of the council’s recommendation.
  • Continence Care: The inspection found non-compliance in the implementation of a plan to promote and manage bowel and bladder continence for a resident. A necessary device was not within the resident’s reach, contrary to their care plan, posing a risk of unmet needs.

🔍  November 2023: Inspection

During the course of this inspection, the inspector(s) made relevant observations, reviewed records and conducted interviews, as applicable. There were no findings of non-compliance.

🔍  October 2023: Inspection

This inspection report for Eagle Terrace, conducted by Maria Paola Pistritto and Lucia Kwok, focused on infection prevention and control, prevention of abuse and neglect, and responsive behaviours.

  • Confidentiality of Personal Health Information: There was a failure to keep a resident’s personal health information confidential, as infectious signage on the resident’s door inadvertently disclosed their health status. This was remedied by removing the signage.
  • Responsive Behaviours: The home failed to appropriately respond to a resident’s resistive behaviour during care, contrary to their care plan. The inspection also revealed a lack of reassessment of interventions for a resident’s responsive behaviours, impacting the quality of care.
  • Infection Prevention and Control: A compliance order was issued due to various issues related to infection prevention and control, including the improper selection of personal protective equipment (PPE) and the inadequate accessibility of face shields at the point of care. The order mandates education for relevant staff and the implementation of audits to ensure compliance.

🔍  April 2023: Inspection

This inspection report for Eagle Terrace, by Marian Keith and Asal Fouladgar, investigated complaints and critical incidents related to falls, resident care and support services, prevention of abuse and neglect, and nutrition and hydration.

  • Plan of Care – Nutritional Needs: The licensee failed to revise a resident’s plan of care when their nutritional needs changed. The inspection revealed that changes requiring staff intervention for nutritional intake were not included in the plan of care. There was also no referral made to the Registered Dietitian (RD) for assessment, despite significant changes in the resident’s nutritional status.
  • Prevention of Abuse and Neglect: The facility failed to comply with its policy on zero tolerance of abuse and neglect. This was evident in their handling of an alleged staff-to-resident abuse incident. Key procedures were not followed, including obtaining and retaining signed witness statements. Furthermore, an RPN did not report an allegation of abuse immediately, which is contrary to the home’s policy and could put the resident’s safety at risk.

🔍  September 2022: Inspection

This inspection report for Eagle Terrace, conducted by Asal Fouladgar and Ana Best, focuses on a critical incident and a complaint intake. The inspection examined issues related to a COVID-19 outbreak and an admission refusal.

  • Infection Prevention and Control Program: The licensee failed to comply with the Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) standard issued by the Director. Specifically, the home did not provide hand hygiene to residents with 70-90% alcohol-based hand rubs before and after meals and snacks, instead using alcohol-free wipes. This non-compliance increased the risk of spreading infectious agents.
  • Safe, Secure Environment: The licensee did not ensure a safe and secure environment. During the inspection, a visitor was observed not wearing the specific required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) while visiting a resident under additional precaution. Although the visitor corrected their PPE usage following guidance from the inspectors, the incident highlighted a lapse in the home’s IPAC protocol and increased the risk of residents and staff becoming ill with an infectious agent.

🔍  October 2021: Critical Incident Inspection

This inspection report for Eagle Terrace, conducted by Moses Neelam, focused on a critical incident system inspection. The inspection addressed issues related to an incident leading to injury requiring hospitalization and an infection control checklist.

  • Plan of Care: The licensee failed to comply with requirements, which pertains to the written plan of care for each resident. In the case of resident #001, who sustained an injury leading to hospitalization, the planned care was not set out in their written plan. Although resident #001 required specific interventions due to being at high risk for the incident, this was not included in their care plan until after the inspector highlighted the issue. The absence of this critical information in the written plan of care posed a risk to the resident.

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