Suncrest Retirement Community is located at 2567 King George Blvd in Surrey, within the South Surrey neighborhood. The community is surrounded by natural attractions such as Sunnyside Acres Urban Forest and South Surrey Athletic Park, offering ample outdoor spaces for residents and visitors.
The facility opened in 2017 and is operated by Manor Care (White Rock) Inc., a for-profit organization. It provides long-term care services and is accredited, with its accreditation valid until 2026.
Suncrest Retirement Community is co-located with an assisted living residence, allowing for a seamless transition for residents who may require different levels of care.
The average wait time for admission to Suncrest Retirement Community is approximately four months.
Contracted Services
Suncrest Retirement Community does not use contracted services for professional nursing or non-regulated care services. However, housekeeping services are provided through contracted providers. Building maintenance is handled by in-house staff. Food services are managed by the facility operator, and meals are prepared and cooked on-site.
The facility has a total of 71 beds, with 33 publicly funded and 38 private beds. In terms of room configuration, 94% of the rooms are single occupancy, while 6% are double occupancy.
Resident Fees
Monthly fees for cable, telephone, and internet services are not included in the resident’s package. Families and residents are responsible for arranging these services independently. Additional fees may be incurred for services such as therapist assessments for specialized equipment, clothes labeling, foot care, and hairdressing.
Licensing & Incidents
There were no licensing complaints reported at Suncrest Retirement Community, and no substantiated licensing complaints were recorded.
Regarding incidents, the facility reported 19 expected deaths, 9 cases of unexpected illness, and 6 falls resulting in injury. One case of aggressive behavior was also noted. Families and caregivers are encouraged to remain involved with the facility’s management and participate in care planning to ensure residents’ well-being.
The facility underwent three inspections during the reporting period, resulting in five licensing infractions. These infractions were related to staffing (three incidents), policies and procedures (one incident), and hygiene and communicable disease control (one incident). Families should stay engaged with the facility, attend meetings when available, and maintain communication with staff to ensure care quality is upheld.
Resident Profile & Quality Indicators
Specific data regarding the average age, gender distribution, and the proportion of residents aged 85 years or older were not provided for Suncrest Retirement Community. In comparison, the provincial averages for British Columbia indicate that 83 years is the typical average age, with 63% of residents being female and 53% aged 85 years or older.
Data on the percentage of residents diagnosed with depression or those dependent on assistance for daily living tasks were also unavailable. Provincial data shows that approximately 23% of residents in British Columbia are diagnosed with depression, while 32% are dependent on assistance for activities of daily living.
Similarly, information on the number of residents with dementia or cognitive impairments was not disclosed. Provincial averages suggest that 63% of long-term care residents in British Columbia have dementia, and 28% have severe cognitive impairments.
Vaccination Coverage
Suncrest Retirement Community reported that 97% of residents were vaccinated for influenza, and 98% were vaccinated for COVID-19. Among health care workers, 36% received the influenza vaccination.
This data helps families and caregivers assess the facility’s overall care environment and encourages continued engagement to maintain care standards for their loved ones.