Villa Colombo Vaughan

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Villa Colombo Vaughan (10443 Highway 27, Vaughan) is managed by Extendicare, a for-profit operator of long-term care homes in Canada. There are approximately 160 beds in private, semi-private and shared rooms.

Villa Colombo Vaughan is owned by Villa Charities, a registered charity that supports the Italian-Canadian community.

Inspection Reports for Villa Colombo Vaughan

Our research team carefully reviewed and summarized inspection reports for Villa Colombo Vaughan. You can read the original copies of the reports in the Government of Ontario website.

🔍  January 2024: Inspection

The inspection for Villa Colombo Vaughan focused on a series of critical incidents including issues related to nutrition and hydration, falls with injuries, COVID-19 and respiratory outbreaks, resident to resident abuse, and neglect of residents. The inspection was led by Joy Ieraci with assistance from Henry Chong.

  • Plan of Care: The facility failed to implement specified care plans for residents, particularly concerning fall interventions. This lack of implementation increased the risk of harm to the residents if they experienced falls without the planned interventions in place.
  • Accommodation Services: The report identified failures in maintaining cleanliness, with specific mention of a resident’s bed not being kept clean and sanitary, which created an unhygienic living environment for the resident.
  • Minister’s Directives on COVID-19: The facility did not fully comply with Minister’s Directives concerning COVID-19, particularly regarding the use of N95 masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) during outbreaks, and measures to manage COVID-19 cases in shared rooms. This resulted in increased risks of COVID-19 transmission among residents and staff.
  • Infection Prevention and Control Program: There were failures in implementing the IPAC standards, especially related to hand hygiene before meals and during direct resident care, which posed additional risks of infection transmission within the facility.

🔍  October 2023: Inspection

The inspection for Villa Colombo Vaughan, conducted by Maya Kuzmin and Manish Patel, focused on various critical incidents and a follow-up on a previously issued compliance order. The inspection covered issues related to Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC), falls with injury, staff to resident abuse, and neglect of residents.

  • Falls Prevention and Management: The facility failed to implement strategies to reduce or mitigate the risk of falls for a resident, specifically not providing the required assistance for transfer as per the resident’s care plan, leading to an increased risk of falls and injuries.
  • Infection Prevention and Control Program: The facility did not monitor symptoms indicating the presence of infection in accordance with the IPAC Standard for Long-Term Care Homes. This lack of monitoring could contribute to late detection and treatment of symptoms, potentially affecting resident health adversely.
  • Dealing with Complaints: The facility failed to include necessary information in their written responses to complaints concerning the care of a resident. This information should have included the Ministry’s toll-free telephone number for making complaints and contact information for the patient ombudsman, as well as confirmation that the complaint was forwarded to the Director as required.

🔍  August 2023: Inspection

The inspection for Villa Colombo Vaughan, conducted by Maya Kuzmin, addressed several critical issues and a follow-up on a previous compliance order. The report encompassed inspections related to falls, sexual abuse, and infection prevention and control (IPAC), under protocols including Continence Care, Prevention of Abuse and Neglect, and Falls Prevention and Management.

  • Plan of Care: The facility did not reassess or revise a resident’s plan of care when their care needs changed, especially after a fall resulting in hospitalization. This oversight increased the potential risk of not meeting the resident’s care needs effectively.
  • Pain Management: The report noted a failure in managing a resident’s pain according to the prescribed policy, leading to prolonged discomfort for the resident. This highlighted a gap in adhering to pain management protocols.

A compliance order was issued due to the facility’s failure to protect a resident from sexual abuse by another resident, underscoring a significant lapse in safeguarding residents against abuse and neglect.

An administrative monetary penalty of $5,500 was issued related to the compliance order for failing to prevent abuse.

🔍  May 2023: Inspection

The inspection for Villa Colombo Vaughan) focused on a follow-up and a critical incident. The lead inspector, Noreen Frederick, along with Ramesh Purushothaman, conducted the inspection, which reviewed various intakes related to severe hypoglycemia, allegations of abuse, fractures of unknown etiology, unwitnessed falls with fractures, and falls prevention and management.

  • Plan of Care: The facility failed to provide care as specified in a resident’s plan of care, specifically regarding shower schedules. This oversight placed the resident at risk of not having their hygiene needs met adequately.
  • Restraint Management: The report highlighted a failure to include a restraining device in a resident’s plan of care, potentially risking confinement and injury.
  • Medication Management System: The inspection found non-compliance with the home’s hypoglycemia protocol. Staff did not administer glucagon for severe hypoglycemia as per the protocol, posing a risk for delayed intervention and further medical complications.

🔍  February 2023: Inspection

The inspection for Villa Colombo Vaughan focused on falls prevention and management, as well as infection prevention and control (IPAC). The inspection was led by Julie Hing.

  • Infection Prevention and Control Program: The facility failed to post droplet/contact precaution signage at a resident’s room entrance, which led to a nursing student entering without wearing the necessary protective equipment. This oversight increased the risk of staff entering without using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Plan of Care: The facility was ordered to ensure that care specified in the resident’s plan was provided, particularly concerning fall prevention interventions. The compliance order highlighted failures in applying identified interventions and devices as per the resident’s care plan, which increased the risk of injury.
  • Audits and Reassessment: The licensee was instructed to conduct random audits and complete a reassessment regarding the use of identified interventions, including documenting this assessment to ensure interventions are applied as per the care plan.

🔍  March 2022: Complaints Inspection

The inspection for Villa Colombo Vaughan, conducted by Inspector April Chan, focused on a variety of complaints ranging from kitchen operations and food production to skin and wound care and medication administration.

  • Infection Prevention and Control: The home was found non-compliant in ensuring the IPAC lead carried out responsibilities related to hand hygiene (HH) programs. Specifically, non-alcohol-based products were incorrectly used for resident hand hygiene, and the IPAC lead did not ensure 70-90% ABHR was utilized as required.
  • Minister’s Directive: The facility did not comply with the directive for conducting regular IPAC audits, failing to complete them at the required two-week intervals when not in an outbreak.
  • Resident Records: There was a failure to keep a resident’s written record up to date, with temperature data erroneously recorded under a previous room occupant’s name without correction for three weeks.
  • Routine Practices and Additional Precautions: The proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) was not ensured, with staff observed misusing PPE in ways that compromised IPAC efforts.

A specific instance of non-compliance related to the infection prevention and control (IPAC) lead’s responsibilities was rectified during the inspection. This involved the use of expired Alcohol-Based Hand Rub (ABHR), which was addressed by discarding the expired bottles.

🔍  March 2022: Critical Incident Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

🔍  January 2022: Critical Incident Inspection

The inspection for Villa Colombo Vaughan involved reviewing several critical incidents related to medication administration, hypoglycemia prevention, and other health-related issues. The inspection was completed by Rebecca Leung.

  • Medication Administration: It was found that medication was not administered as directed to resident #003, leading to a critical incident report. Immediate actions were taken to mitigate the impact on the resident, who experienced pain and symptoms resolving within 24 hours. A Compliance Order was issued for this non-compliance.
  • Plan of Care: The licensee failed to ensure clear directions for staff and PSW regarding the prevention of hypoglycemia for a resident. A severe hypoglycemic incident occurred because insulin was administered without prior blood sugar checking and without ensuring the resident ate within 30 minutes post-insulin administration. This oversight demonstrated a lack of collaboration and clear guidance in the resident’s care plan regarding hypoglycemia prevention.
  • Documentation and Collaboration: There were issues in documenting hypoglycemic incidents, including provided care, outcomes, and effectiveness. The inspection revealed gaps in staff collaboration and communication, particularly between registered staff and PSWs, regarding critical care protocols for residents with diabetes.

Villa Colombo Vaughan was ordered to ensure medications are administered according to prescriber instructions and to implement written plans of care that provide clear directions for all staff involved in direct care. The facility was also requested to prepare a voluntary plan of correction to address the identified non-compliances, specifically regarding medication administration and hypoglycemia prevention protocols.

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