Villa Cathay Care Home

Villa Cathay Care Home is located at 970 Union Street in Vancouver, in the Strathcona neighbourhood.


Villa Cathay Care Home is located at 970 Union Street in Vancouver, in the Strathcona neighbourhood. This area is known for its access to green spaces like MacLean Park and Strathcona Park, providing a tranquil environment for residents and visitors alike.

Villa Cathay Care Home opened in 1978 and is operated by the Villa Cathay Care Home Society, a not-for-profit organization that offers long-term care services under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act.

Villa Cathay Care Home is not co-located with an assisted living residence.

The average wait time for admission is approximately seven months.

Contracted Services

Villa Cathay Care Home does not use contracted services for professional nursing or non-regulated care aides. Villa Cathay Care Home also does not contract housekeeping services or building maintenance, with these responsibilities managed in-house.

Food services are provided directly by the operator, with meals prepared and cooked on-site. This arrangement allows Villa Cathay Care Home to have more control over meal quality and cater to residents’ dietary needs.


Villa Cathay Care Home has a total of 173 beds, of which 168 are publicly funded, and 5 are private.

Room configurations consist of 100% single occupancy, with all 173 beds provided in single rooms.

Resident Fees

Cable, telephone, and internet services are not included in the monthly fees. Residents may need to explore external providers for these services, which could be arranged based on individual preferences.

There are no additional extra fees listed for residents beyond basic services.

Licensing & Incidents

In the most recent reporting period, Villa Cathay Care Home had one licensing complaint, which was substantiated.

Villa Cathay Care Home reported 60 cases of unexpected illness, 18 falls with injury, 2 cases of aggressive behaviour, and 1 other injury. The high number of unexpected illnesses highlights the complexity of care required for long-term residents, while falls and aggressive behaviour may necessitate ongoing attention to safety and behaviour management.

Villa Cathay Care Home recorded six licensing infractions, including four related to medication and one each in staffing and care and supervision. These infractions underline the need for families and caregivers to maintain regular communication with Villa Cathay Care Home and participate in resident care councils to stay informed of any potential issues.

Resident Profile & Quality Indicators

The average age of residents at Villa Cathay is 88 years. About 69% of the residents are female, and 77% are aged 85 years or older. The average length of stay is approximately 2.8 years.

Around 14% of residents are diagnosed with depression, and 36% are receiving depression medication. Additionally, 26% of residents take antipsychotic drugs without a diagnosis of psychosis, while 6% have exhibited physically abusive behaviour. These indicators suggest a need for mental health support and behavioural management services at Villa Cathay Care Home.

Dementia affects 53% of residents, with 19% experiencing severe cognitive impairment, including severe dementia. This suggests a significant portion of the population requires specialized cognitive care.

Approximately 57% of residents take nine or more medications, and 1% had four or more emergency room visits, indicating the need for careful medication and health management.

About 61% of residents use a wheelchair, and 42% are dependent on assistance with activities of daily living. Additionally, 2% of residents have experienced worsened pressure ulcers, underscoring the importance of skin care management and mobility assistance.

Falls were reported in 10% of residents over the last 30 days, while 21% of residents are subject to daily physical restraints. The rate of physical restraints suggests a potential focus on safety and managing behavioural concerns.

Vaccination Coverage

Villa Cathay Care Home reports that 98% of residents have been vaccinated for influenza, and 87% have received COVID-19 vaccinations.

Among health care workers, 54% have been vaccinated for influenza.

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