Villa Carital

Villa Carital is located at 3050 Penticton Street in Vancouver, in the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood.


Villa Carital is located at 3050 Penticton Street in Vancouver, in the Renfrew-Collingwood neighbourhood. The area is known for its proximity to green spaces such as Renfrew Ravine Park and John Hendry Park, which provide opportunities for residents to enjoy outdoor activities and scenic views.

Villa Carital opened in 1996 and is operated by Carital Continuing Care Society, a non-profit organization that provides long-term care services under the Community Care and Assisted Living Act.

Villa Carital is not co-located with an assisted living residence.

The average wait time for admission to Villa Carital is approximately 12 months.

Contracted Services

Villa Carital uses contracted services for professional nursing, non-regulated care aides, and housekeeping services. Building maintenance, however, is not contracted out.

Food services at Villa Carital are provided by an external contractor, with meals prepared and cooked on-site. This arrangement ensures Villa Carital can cater to residents’ dietary needs while maintaining the quality of fresh meal preparation.


Villa Carital has a total of 81 beds, of which 76 are publicly funded, and 5 are private.

The room configuration consists of 73% single occupancy, with 59 single-occupancy rooms. The remaining 14% are double-occupancy, with 11 rooms designated for two residents.

Resident Fees

Cable and telephone services are not included in the resident fees at Villa Carital, while internet service is provided. Residents may need to arrange their own cable and telephone services by selecting external providers.

There are no additional extra fees listed for residents beyond basic services.

Licensing & Incidents

Villa Carital had no licensing complaints or substantiated complaints reported in the most recent inspection period.

Villa Carital reported 22 incidents of unexpected illness, 5 falls with injury or adverse events, 3 cases of aggressive behaviour, and 1 case of other injuries. The high number of unexpected illnesses reflects the complex health conditions typical in a long-term care setting, while falls and aggressive behaviour may indicate a need for ongoing monitoring and behavioural management.

There were no licensing infractions recorded during inspections at Villa Carital.

Families and caregivers can monitor their loved ones by engaging with staff, particularly the Director of Care, and attending regular family council meetings. Maintaining open communication with Villa Carital is crucial in staying informed about incidents and care plans.

Resident Profile & Quality Indicators

The average age of residents at Villa Carital is 87 years. Approximately 77% of the population is female, and 73% are aged 85 years or older. The average length of stay is about 4.3 years.

Around 37% of residents have been diagnosed with depression, and 72% are receiving depression medication. Additionally, 41% of residents are taking antipsychotic drugs without a diagnosis of psychosis, and 7% have exhibited physically abusive behaviour. These figures suggest a significant portion of the population requires mental health and behavioural management support.

Dementia affects 76% of residents at Villa Carital, with 69% experiencing severe cognitive impairment, including severe dementia. This highlights the need for specialized cognitive care services at Villa Carital.

Approximately 72% of residents take nine or more medications, and 1% have had four or more emergency room visits. The high percentage of residents on multiple medications may indicate the need for careful pharmaceutical management to address complex medical conditions.

About 54% of residents use a wheelchair, and 60% are dependent on assistance with activities of daily living. Villa Carital also reports 1.5% of residents with a worsened pressure ulcer, emphasizing the importance of skin care management and mobility assistance.

Falls were reported in 3% of residents in the last 30 days, while 1% of residents are subject to daily physical restraints. The low rate of falls and physical restraints suggests effective safety and mobility support.

Vaccination Coverage

Villa Carital reports that 100% of residents have been vaccinated for influenza, and 94% have been vaccinated for COVID-19.

Among health care workers, 31% have received the influenza vaccine.

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