Kennedy Lodge

Kennedy Lodge (1400 Kennedy Road, Scarborough) is operated by Extendicare, a for-profit operator of long-term care homes in Canada. There are approximately 290 beds in private, semi-private and shared rooms.

Kennedy Lodge is formerly owned and operated by Revera.

Inspection Reports for Kennedy Lodge

Our research team carefully reviewed and summarized inspection reports for Kennedy Lodge. You can read the original copies of the reports in the Government of Ontario website.

🔍  January 2024: Inspection

This inspection for Kennedy Lodge details a complaint and critical incident. The inspection team included Manish Patel and Kirthiga Ravindran.

  • Dealing with Complaints: The licensee failed to provide the Ministry’s toll-free telephone number and contact information for the patient ombudsman in the written response to a complaint about resident care. This omission was acknowledged by the Executive Director (ED) and Director of Care (DOC).

🔍  October 2023: Inspection

This inspection for Kennedy Lodge documents a critical incident. The inspection team included Cindy Ma and Arther Chandramohan, along with Training Specialist Christine Francis as an assessing mentor.

  • Plan of Care: Specifically, a resident’s care plan did not include the use of specified equipment as part of their falls management interventions. This issue was addressed, and the care plan was updated accordingly on September 26, 2023.
  • Assistive Device: The licensee failed to place a logo on a resident’s assistive device as specified in the resident’s care plan. This oversight increased the risk of harm to the resident.
  • Falls Prevention and Management: There was a failure to conduct a post-fall assessment using an appropriate assessment instrument for a resident who fell in August 2023. This lapse in protocol posed a risk of delayed treatment for the resident.

🔍  May 2023: Inspection

This inspection for Kennedy Lodge details a follow-up and critical incident . The inspection team included Christine Francis.

  • Residents’ Bill of Rights: The licensee failed to respect and promote the rights of resident #002, particularly regarding their refusal of consent to care provided by a specific staff member. Despite the resident’s refusal, the staff member continued to provide care.
  • Transferring and Positioning Techniques: The licensee failed to ensure safe transferring devices or techniques were used when assisting resident #001, posing an increased risk of injury.

A previously issued compliance order was found to be in compliance.

🔍  February 2023: Inspection

This inspection for Kennedy Lodge details a critical incident. The inspection team included Wing-Yee Sun.

  • General Requirements): The licensee failed to document actions taken under the falls prevention and management program, including interventions and the resident’s responses to these interventions. This non-compliance posed a risk of not reassessing interventions for their effectiveness.
  • Manufacturers’ Instructions: The licensee failed to ensure staff used devices according to the manufacturer’s instructions, increasing the risk of falls.
  • Plan of Care: A compliance order was issued due to the licensee’s failure to provide specified care in the resident’s plan of care, which resulted in a fall with injury. This order required the licensee to conduct audits and maintain records of compliance with the use of fall prevention interventions.

🔍  July 2022: Inspection

During the course of this inspection, the inspector(s) made relevant observations, reviewed records and conducted interviews, as applicable. There were no findings of non-compliance.

🔍  December 2021: Critical Incident Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

🔍  June 2021: Complaints Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

🔍  June 2021: Critical Incident Inspection

This inspection for Kennedy Lodge documents a critical incident. The inspection focused on critical incidents related to staff to resident neglect, fall prevention, an incident causing an injury to a resident, and improper/incompetent treatment of a resident.

  • Plan of Care: The licensee failed to ensure that the care specified in the plan of care for resident #005 was provided as planned. This resulted in the resident not receiving the necessary level of assistance and care, which posed a risk of injury.
  • Documentation of Care Outcomes: The licensee failed to ensure that the outcomes of resident #004’s care were documented accurately. The PSWs initially claimed to have provided specific care, but later admitted that the care was not provided as required, and documentation was falsified. This inaccurate documentation posed risks to care planning and monitoring.
  • Neglect of Resident #004: Resident #004 was neglected by PSW staff, resulting in the resident not receiving the required care. The neglect persisted for several days, and PSWs did not report their suspicions to management, perpetuating the neglect. This neglect put the resident at risk.
  • Zero Tolerance Policy: The licensee failed to ensure compliance with the written policy promoting zero tolerance of abuse and neglect of residents. Staff members suspected neglect but did not report it to management. This non-compliance put resident #004 at risk of continued neglect.

For each of the identified non-compliances, a Voluntary Plan of Correction (VPC) was requested from the licensee to achieve compliance voluntarily.

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