Forest Hill

Forest Hill Long Term Care Home (6501 Campeau Drive, Kanata) is operated by OMNI Health Care, a for-profit operator long-term care homes in Canada. The facility has a capacity of approximately 160 beds.

Our review offers an objective assessment of Forest Hill — drawing insights from multiple sources, including Google reviews, employee feedback, and Government of Ontario inspection reports. By examining these sources, we strive to form a well-rounded perspective on the facility’s care quality and operational performance.

Table of Contents

Performance Indicators for Forest Hill

We conduct quantitative analyses of key indicators, including potential misuse of antipsychotics, potential excessive use of physical restraints, resident fall frequency, physical functioning, pressure ulcers, pain, and depression. These supplementary insights can enhance understanding of the underlying factors that influence the qualitative assessments from Google reviews, employee feedback, and Government of Ontario inspection reports.

Google Reviews for Forest Hill

My father has been here since January of this year. Like the previous review I will commend all the psw staff for their care and concern. They are exceptional on the Alzheimer’s floor. My sister orchestrated this move and hasn’t allowed for any input from myself. She self appointed herself to poa over his care and as a result the home negates and dismisses any input I have regarding my dads care. The new director , Nicole has been quite dismissive with me in regards to my presenting her with information from vaers , branch of the cdc , and the massive fallout of deaths and injuries brought on by the Vax rollout. I was told it was my opinion. No actually it’s the vaers recording system’s opinion and the data is staggering and in reality it covers only 1-3% of actual adverse interactions. My dad , in my opinion has gone down hill rapidly here. He is so heavily medicated on sleeping pills during the day that he’s inebriated basically. It’s to curb unwanted behaviours I’m told. No one deserves this. This is not care. Care is good , nutrition, outdoor exposure and exercise. If your parent has no visitors , then they are basically sitting all day and waiting for the wheelchair. I could go on. I was there recently for three months. Every day. I know the drill here and I think it’s not a good way to end your time on this earth. My local sister has been observed twice visiting my dad in 10 months. Shame on the kids who literally dump their parents and then neglect them. If I had poa over my dads care , he would be in my own private accommodation with real organic food and loving care. 20 Alzheimer’s patients on the same floor makes so little sense. It’s very disturbing to see.
In addition. My dad has now passed. Forest Hill still is not providing me with cause of death , a request for autopsy or his vaccine schedule with batch numbers. I would not recommend this establishment to your loved ones.
I recently had the opportunity to experience Forest Hill from a close perspective, and my feelings about this establishment are truly mixed. The staff members working tirelessly on the frontlines undoubtedly deserve immense praise for their dedication and compassion. Their commitment to providing quality care to the residents is evident in every interaction. From the nurses to the caregivers, it's clear that they genuinely care about the well-being of those they serve.

However, the glow of these exceptional individuals is dimmed by the overshadowing cloud of poor management. The management at Forest Hill leaves much to be desired. Their behavior is disappointingly rude and unprofessional. Their lack of support for both residents and staff is glaringly apparent. It's truly disheartening to witness how their actions and attitudes can undermine the positive atmosphere that the hardworking staff members strive to create.
One of the worst nursing homes in Ottawa. I would not recommend to place your loved one here. The lady who welcomes you to the nursing home on your first day has a major attitude. My mom called me often asking me for help to go to the washroom after staff will not answer her call bell. I informed about this to the director of care who looks like an English bulldog and she said staff can't always get there on time. She told me that my mom is very demanding and calls multiple times for assistance.

Inspection Reports for Forest Hill

Our research team reviewed and summarized inspection reports for Forest Hill. You can read the original copies of the reports in the Government of Ontario website.

🔍  December 2023: Inspection

The inspection for Forest Hill Long Term Care Home, conducted by Lisa Kluke and her team, focused on various critical incidents including hospitalizations due to significant health condition changes, staff to resident neglect, resident to resident abuse, and falls resulting in significant condition changes for the residents.

  • Falls Prevention and Management Program: The home did not comply with its falls prevention and management program, particularly in assessing fall risks using specified tools, communicating outcomes of assessments, and marking residents at risk for falls with a pictograph for easy identification.
  • Skin and Wound Care Program: The licensee failed to ensure compliance with the skin and wound care program policy. This included instances where residents exhibiting altered skin integrity did not receive the required skin assessments or wound care interventions according to the policy, leading to deterioration in conditions.
  • Responsive Behaviours: The home failed to document written approaches including assessment, reassessment, and identification of behavioral triggers for residents with responsive behaviours. Additionally, it did not document residents’ responses to interventions and reassessments, increasing risks to other residents due to unmonitored altercations.

🔍  July 2023: Inspection

The inspection for Forest Hill Long Term Care Home, conducted by Emily Prior, addressed two main intakes. The intakes involved a complaint related to medication administration and continence care, and a Critical Incident Report (CIR) related to falls prevention and management.

  • Documenting Toileting Care: The licensee did not document toileting as required in a resident’s plan of care. This oversight, noted on one evening shift and six night shifts, posed a risk of inconsistent and improper continence care for residents.
  • Medication Management System: The licensee did not adhere to its own policy for the accurate administration of drugs, specifically in transcribing medication orders to the Medication Administration Record (MAR). An error in transcribing led to a resident receiving ointment in the wrong eye for three doses, posing a risk to the resident’s health.
  • Administration of Drugs: A prescribed ointment was applied to the incorrect eye due to a transcription error, leading to potential harm to the affected eye.
  • Document Medication: The licensee did not document a medication incident involving a resident, nor did they record the immediate actions taken to assess and maintain the resident’s health. This failure increases the risk of repeat medication incidents due to the lack of corrective actions and reviews.

🔍  June 2023: Inspection

The inspection for Forest Hill Long Term Care Home, led by Gurpreet Gill with assistance from Marko Punzalan, focused on various complaints and critical incidents.

One significant finding from the inspection was related to the Plan of Care. The licensee failed to ensure that the provision of care, specifically bi-weekly baths or showers for three residents, was documented as set out in their respective plans of care. Point of Care (POC) documentation revealed inconsistencies and missing entries regarding the bath activities for these residents during April and May 2023.

The Director of Care and the Assistant Director of Care acknowledged that the baths were given as scheduled, but were either incorrectly documented or not recorded at all in the POC.

🔍  November 2022: Inspection

The inspection for Forest Hill Long Term Care Home was conducted by Lisa Cummings, with additional inspectors Sarah Bradshaw and Sarabjit Kaur. The inspection, which occurred from September 26 to October 19, 2022, addressed several complaints and critical incidents.

A notable finding was non-compliance in Infection Prevention and Control. The licensee did not adhere to the standard issued by the Director regarding the use of signage for additional precautions and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in rooms requiring additional precautions. This was evident in a resident’s room where additional precaution signage was absent, and in another resident’s room where the signage was present, but the PPE requirements were not being correctly followed.

🔍  March 2022: Proactive Compliance Inspection

The inspection for Forest Hill Long Term Care Home, conducted by Janet McParland and Megan MacPhail, was a Proactive Compliance Inspection.

  • Menu Planning: The licensee failed to offer planned dessert menu items to two residents who were on texture-modified diets. These residents were not provided desserts, contrary to the nutritional care manager’s instructions and their care plans.
  • Dining and Snack Service: The home failed to serve meals course by course for two residents. In one case, a resident’s meal was served before the staff member was ready to assist, and in another case, yogurt was inappropriately added to a resident’s entrée, deviating from the standard course-by-course service.
  • Security of Drug Supply: The inspection found that access to the medication room was not restricted as per regulations. A staff member, who did not have the authority to dispense, prescribe, or administer drugs, had access to the medication room for delivering supplies, which was a breach of the security protocols.

🔍  September 2021: Critical Incident Inspection

The inspection for Forest Hill Long Term Care Home by Susan Lui was a Critical Incident System inspection. This inspection reviewed three critical incidents: a fall with injury, a medication error, and a fracture not related to a fall.

  • Air Temperature: The licensee failed to measure and document the temperature in at least two resident bedrooms in different parts of the home, and in one resident common area on every floor of the home, as required by legislation. This was supposed to begin on May 15, 2021, but only started on June 11, 2021.
  • Administration of Drugs: The licensee failed to ensure that a drug was administered to a resident as per the prescriber’s instructions. A resident was administered the second dose of a drug one week earlier than directed.

For both non-compliances, the licensee was requested to prepare a voluntary plan of correction to achieve compliance.

🔍  April 2021: Complaints Inspection

The inspection for Forest Hill Long Term Care Home, conducted by Susan Lui and Mark McGill, was a complaint inspection.

The licensee was found to not comply with their Wound Assessment and Documentation policy, part of the Skin and Wound Care Program. Specifically, for residents #001 and #006, weekly wound assessments were not consistently documented, assessments of new wounds were not regularly recorded, and weekly photos of wounds were not taken as part of assessments. The staff indicated that smaller wounds were sometimes not documented, and until recently, the home lacked the equipment to confidentially take and upload photos for wound assessments.

A Voluntary Plan of Correction was requested by the licensee to ensure compliance with the Wound Assessment and Documentation policy and procedure.

🔍  February 2021: Critical Incident Inspection

There were no findings of non-compliance.

🔍  January 2020: Complaints Inspection

There were no findings of non-compliance.

🔍  October 2019: Critical Incident Inspection

The inspection for Forest Hill Long Term Care Home, conducted by Heath Heffernan, focused on a resident who experienced an unwitnessed fall, resulting in injury, hospitalization, and a significant change in their health status.

  • Plan of Care: The licensee failed to ensure a clear written plan of care regarding the use of a seat belt for the injured resident (resident #001). Despite a physician’s order stating that the resident should use a tilt wheelchair and seat belt, the nursing care plan, Kardex, Point of Care (POC) flow sheets, and electronic medication administration record (eMAR) did not include directions for using a seat belt. Consequently, the resident was not wearing their seat belt during observations, and staff members were unaware of the care requirement.

As a result of these findings, a Written Notification (WN) of non-compliance was issued, and a Voluntary Plan of Correction (VPC) was requested from the licensee.

🔍  March 2019: Complaints Inspection

The inspection for Forest Hill Long Term Care Home, conducted by Megan MacPhail, was a Complaint inspection.

  • Plan of Care: The licensee failed to ensure that care specified in the plan of care was provided to resident #001. The resident’s plan of care indicated the use of a full sling for transfers, but on the specified date, a toileting sling was used instead by Personal Support Workers #109 and #110. This deviation from the prescribed plan of care led to a Written Notification (WN) of non-compliance being issued.

🔍  March 2019: Critical Incident Inspection

There were no findings of non-compliance.

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