Extendicare Guildwood

Extendicare Guildwood (60 Guildwood Parkway, Scarborough) is operated by Extendicare, a for-profit operator of long-term care homes in Canada. There are approximately 170 beds in private, semi-private and shared rooms.

Inspection Reports for Extendicare Guildwood

Our research team at Caring Magazine carefully reviewed and summarized inspection reports for Extendicare Guildwood. You can read the original copies of the reports in the Government of Ontario website.

🔍  August 2023: Inspection

The inspection report or Extendicare Guildwood, conducted by Ann McGregor and Kehinde Sangill, focused on several critical incidents and a follow-up on a previously issued compliance order.

  • Plan of Care: The facility failed to reassess and revise residents’ care plans effectively to prevent altercations and injuries between residents. In one case, despite knowing one resident was a trigger for another’s responsive behavior, no effective action was taken to prevent an altercation where one resident struck another. Additionally, staff failed to adhere to residents’ care plans in another instance, not removing a resident from another’s personal space, leading to a risk of injury.
  • Cleanliness and Sanitation Issues: There was a failure in maintaining cleanliness and sanitary conditions, with multiple smears of fecal matter observed in various areas of the home, posing an increased risk of infection transmission.
  • Prevention of Abuse and Neglect : The home did not protect a resident from physical abuse by another resident, failing to adhere to its zero-tolerance policy for abuse and neglect.
  • Resident Records Maintenance: The facility failed to maintain written records for a resident who displayed responsive behavior. Specifically, the Dementia Observation System (DOS) tool records for monitoring the resident’s behavior were not available upon request.

🔍  May 2023: Inspection

The inspection report for Extendicare Guildwood in Scarborough, conducted by Rodolfo Ramo, Kehinde Sangill and Atala Katel, addressed a series of complaints and critical incident systems.

  • Abuse and Neglect Prevention: There were instances where the home failed to protect residents from abuse, both physical and sexual, by other residents. This non-compliance was in direct violation of the home’s zero-tolerance policy for abuse and neglect.
  • Maintenance Services: The inspection noted failures in ensuring the security of the drug supply and the maintenance of appropriate hot water temperatures, which posed risks to resident safety.
  • Critical Incident Reports: There were instances where critical incidents, such as falls with injury, were not reported to the Director as required, leading to an inability to determine whether these incidents resulted in significant changes in residents’ health conditions.

The home was ordered to submit and implement a plan to ensure compliance related to protecting residents from abuse. The order included detailed steps for addressing wandering behaviors, staff education on abuse prevention, and maintaining records of training.

A penalty of $5,500 was issued for the home’s failure to comply with a requirement, marking the first time the licensee failed to comply with this specific requirement.

🔍  November 2022: Inspection

The inspection report for Extendicare Guildwood, by Eric Tang, Amandeep Bhela and Miko Hawken, covered a variety of areas including infection prevention and control, abuse and neglect prevention, and resident care and support services.

  • Infection Prevention and Control: There was a failure to record a resident’s infectious symptoms every shift and to implement the standard issued by the Director for Infection Prevention and Control. This included an incident where a Director of Care was observed unmasked, violating universal masking requirements.
  • Consent Issues: Consent was not obtained for a change in medical treatment for a resident. The change in treatment was not communicated to the resident’s decision-maker in a timely manner, violating the requirement for informed consent.
  • Plan of Care: An alternate intervention was provided instead of the specific care intervention listed in a resident’s care plan during a responsive behavior incident.
  • Record Keeping: A resident care record was found to be incomplete for a specified shift. This lapse might have impacted the staff’s ability to provide required care.
  • Personal Support Services Program: There was a failure to ensure an organized program of personal support services to meet a resident’s assessed needs. Specifically, a nursing staff member was not assigned to a resident for a certain shift.

🔍  May 2022: Inspection

The inspection report for Extendicare Guildwood highlights several areas of non-compliance. The inspection was led by Susan Semeredy, with Jack Shi and Nicole Lemieux.

  • Visitor Policy: Essential caregivers in the home failed to comply with the home’s visitor policy, specifically not adhering to Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) protocols, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Infection Prevention and Control Program: The home failed to ensure that residents received hand hygiene before meals, as required by the IPAC standard issued by the Director.
  • Protect a Resident from Verbal Abuse: A Personal Support Worker (PSW) verbally abused a resident, which was captured on video surveillance. This incident was confirmed by the Director of Care (DOC).

A compliance order was issued due to the failure of staff to follow appropriate IPAC practices during a confirmed COVID-19 outbreak, including not wearing required eye protection and gloves in specific situations.

🔍  March 2022: Critical Incident Inspection

The inspection report for Extendicare Guildwood addresses several critical incidents and areas of non-compliance. The inspection was led by inspectors Jack Shi and Eric Tang.

  • Residents’ Bill of Rights: The facility failed to ensure a resident was treated with courtesy, respect, and dignity. An inappropriate intervention by staff resulted in a breach of this right.
  • Plan of Care: The licensee did not provide a specified intervention in the resident’s plan of care. The resident had experienced a fall, but the necessary intervention was not utilized.
  • Policies and Records: The facility failed to comply with the head injury routine as indicated in their Neurological Signs/Head Injury Routine policy following an unwitnessed fall by a resident.
  • Skin and Wound Care: The facility did not ensure weekly assessments of residents’ wounds by registered nursing staff, leading to missed opportunities for effective interventions.
  • Altercations and Harmful Interactions: The facility failed to implement strategies and interventions to minimize the risk of altercations and potentially harmful interactions among residents.

🔍  March 2022: Complaints Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

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