Extendicare Elginwood

Extendicare Elginwood (182 Yorkland Street, Richmond Hill) is operated by Extendicare, a for-profit operator of long-term care homes in Canada. There are approximately 120 beds in private, semi-private and shared rooms.

Inspection Reports for Extendicare Elginwood

Our research team at Caring Magazine carefully reviewed and summarized inspection reports for Extendicare Elginwood. You can read the original copies of the reports in the Government of Ontario website.

🔍  December 2023: Inspection

Original copy of the inspection report can be retrieved from the Government of Ontario website.

🔍  September 2023: Inspection

The inspection report details a comprehensive inspection at Extendicare Elginwood. The inspection, led by Deborah Nazareth, included a variety of intake types such as complaints and critical incidents.

  • Specific Duties Re Cleanliness and Repair: Non-compliance was noted in maintaining the home in a safe condition and good state of repair. An area of flooring had raised ridges, posing a safety hazard. Although the Environmental Services Manager (ESM) was aware of this issue, the necessary repair work was incomplete by the end of the inspection.
  • Communication and Response System: The home failed to ensure the resident-staff communication system was always accessible to residents. A resident’s communication device was found out of reach, increasing the risk of unmet needs and falls.
  • Bathing: The home did not meet the requirement of bathing a resident at least twice a week. A resident missed a scheduled bath and was not bathed the following day as expected, leading to potential hygiene and comfort issues.
  • Infection Prevention and Control Program: The home did not follow procedures for cleaning and disinfecting equipment before storage, especially concerning a transferring device from a resident on additional precautions. Hand hygiene protocols were not followed by housekeeping staff, increasing the risk of spreading infectious diseases.

🔍  June 2023: Inspection

This inspection report covers a comprehensive inspection at Extendicare Elginwood. The inspection, led by Parimah Oormazdi, focused on various complaints and critical incidents.

  • Residents’ Bill of Rights: Non-compliance was noted regarding the treatment of a resident with courtesy and respect. A Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) behaved disrespectfully towards a cognitively intact resident, causing emotional distress. This behavior violated the resident’s rights and failed to recognize their inherent dignity.
  • Plan of Care: The inspection found a failure in collaboration between staff during pain assessment. A Personal Support Worker (PSW) did not report a resident’s pain to the registered nurse and inaccurately documented the resident’s pain status, leading to inadequate pain management.
  • Duty to Protect: There was a delay in completing a diagnostic test for a resident, leading to a delay in treatment and deterioration of the resident’s skin condition. This delay was classified as neglect due to the failure to provide timely care.
  • Transferring and Positioning Techniques: Non-compliance was identified in transferring a resident who required assistance from more than one staff member, but was transferred with only one staff member’s help. This resulted in skin integrity impairment and injury to the resident.
  • Pain Management: The facility failed to monitor the resident’s response to pain management strategies effectively. Documentation was incomplete in assessing the effectiveness of pain medication, putting the resident at risk for increased pain and discomfort.

🔍  March 2023: Inspection

This inspection report presents findings from a critical incident system inspection at Extendicare Elginwood. The inspection, led by Nicole Lemieux with assistance from Lucia Kwok, took place in late February.

  • Minister’s Directives: The facility failed to comply with COVID-19 testing directives, both in terms of staff antigen testing and daily assessments of residents for COVID-19 symptoms. This non-compliance increased the risk of infection within the home.
  • Infection Prevention and Control Program: There were lapses in monitoring symptoms indicating the presence of infection in a resident, especially during each shift as required. This negligence could lead to worsening conditions for affected residents.
  • Medication Management System: The facility did not adhere to evidence-based practices in documenting the administration of medications, risking potential overdose or underdosing.
  • Bed Rails Safety: The home did not adequately evaluate or mitigate risks associated with bed rails and specialized surfaces, thereby increasing the risk of injury or entrapment for residents.
  • Compliance with Manufacturer’s Instructions: Staff used a resident’s bed system without following the manufacturer’s instructions, potentially endangering the resident.
  • Skin and Wound Care: The facility failed to conduct necessary skin and wound assessments on a resident returning from the hospital, putting them at risk for complications from unidentified skin issues.
  • Pain Management: There was a failure to effectively monitor and document the resident’s responses to pain management strategies, leading to increased pain and discomfort.

🔍  April 2022: Complaints Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

🔍  December 2021: Complaints Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

🔍  December 2021: Critical Incident Inspection

This inspection report details the findings from a critical incident system inspection at Extendicare Elginwood. The inspection was conducted under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, and focused on various areas including falls prevention, infection control, and abuse and neglect prevention.

  • Transfer Technique: The licensee failed to ensure an agency Personal Support Worker (PSW) followed a resident’s plan of care related to their transfer status. This non-compliance was identified during an investigation into an allegation of resident abuse. The agency PSW used a transfer technique on the resident that did not align with the resident’s plan of care, potentially resulting in harm to the resident.

🔍  June 2021: Follow-Up Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

🔍  April 2021: Complaints Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

🔍  April 2021: Critical Incident Inspection

The inspection report for Extendicare Elginwood, conducted by Jennifer Batten, addressed several critical incidents and a complaint regarding the facility. The inspection was comprehensive, involving various staff members and residents to assess multiple aspects of care and facility operations.

  • Dining and Snack Service: There were instances where residents who required assistance with eating were not positioned safely or served meals without available assistance. This failure posed risks to residents’ safety and enjoyment of meals.
  • Infection Prevention and Control Program: Observations showed inconsistent practices in infection prevention and control (IPAC), including incorrect use of personal protective equipment (PPE), inadequate hand hygiene, and improper handling of contaminated items. These lapses, especially during an outbreak, posed a significant risk of infectious agent transmission.
  • Residents’ Privacy: Instances were noted where residents’ privacy was not respected, such as personal information being visible and care being provided without ensuring privacy.
  • Safe Storage of Drugs: Medications were not always stored securely and appropriately, and in one case, a resident had unsupervised access to a medicated treatment cream.
  • Administration of Drugs: The home failed to ensure that drugs were administered according to prescriber’s instructions, as observed with the unsupervised application of medicated cream by a resident.

Two compliance orders were issued due to the severity and scope of non-compliances found during the inspection. These orders require the facility to address issues related to meal service assistance during an outbreak and to ensure proper implementation of IPAC practices.

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