Extendicare Cobourg

Extendicare Cobourg (200 Stirling MacGregor Drive, Cambridge) is now operated by Extendicare, a for-profit operator of long-term care homes in Canada. There are approximately 70 beds in private, semi-private and shared rooms.

Extendicare Cobourg is also known as The Landmark.

Inspection Reports for Extendicare Cobourg

Our research team carefully reviewed and summarized inspection reports for Extendicare Cobourg. You can read the original copies of the reports in the Government of Ontario website.

🔍  March 2023: Inspection

The inspection report for Extendicare Cobourg, by Inspector Rodolfo Ramon and Jennifer Brown, addressed several complaints. The inspection covered various aspects of resident care, including continence care, food and nutrition, housekeeping, infection control, and training standards.

  • Air Temperature: The home failed to maintain a minimum temperature of 22 degrees Celsius, as required by regulation. This was identified following a complaint about the temperature in December 2022. The Environmental Services Manager confirmed a power disruption led to the temperature drop, posing risks to residents’ health and comfort.
  • Continence Care and Bowel Management: Residents #004 and #006 did not receive clinically appropriate assessments for incontinence, and their plans for bowel and bladder continence were not implemented. This failure placed them at risk of unmet needs.
  • Menu Planning: The home did not provide specified therapeutic diet items during meals. On four occasions, a resident did not receive the required menu items, with no substitutions offered. This non-compliance posed a risk to the resident’s nutritional intake.

🔍  February 2023: Inspection

This inspection report for Extendicare Cobourg, led by Deborah Nazareth, Sarah Gillis and Najat Mahmoud, focused on several critical incidents, including falls prevention and management, responsive behaviors, infection prevention and control, and the prevention of abuse and neglect.

  • Altercations and Other Interactions: The home did not minimize the risk of altercations between residents. An incident between two residents resulted in injury because identified interventions were not followed.
  • Training: Staff, including a housekeeper and an agency nurse, had not received mandatory training in various critical areas, including the Residents’ Bill of Rights, fire safety, infection prevention, and more.
  • Directives by Minister: The home failed to comply with the Minister’s Directive regarding COVID-19 response measures. This included not following proper procedures for rapid COVID-19 testing and masking requirements, potentially risking the spread of infection.
  • Infection Prevention and Control Program: The facility did not fully implement infection prevention and control standards. This included inadequate signage for enhanced IPAC measures in resident rooms and lack of necessary personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Orientation: The staff had not completed training in essential infection prevention and control areas, including hand hygiene, cleaning and disinfection practices, and the use of personal protective equipment.

🔍  August 2022: Inspection

This inspection report for Extendicare Cobourg was carried out by Karyn Wood and Nicole Lemieux. The inspection focused on a critical incident system and a follow-up of previous compliance orders.

  • Pain Management: The licensee failed to ensure implementation of the pain management program. Specifically, a comprehensive pain assessment was not completed for a resident upon readmission from the hospital, contrary to the licensee’s Pain Identification and Management policy.
  • Accommodation Services Specific Duties: The licensee did not maintain the floor tiles in the home’s spa room in a safe condition and good state of repair. The torn and lifting tiles posed a risk of injury to residents using the spa room.
  • CMOH and MOH Compliance: The licensee failed to adhere to directives issued by the Chief Medical Officer of Health or a Medical Officer of Health. Particularly, a resident requiring isolation precautions was not assessed daily for COVID-19 symptoms, including temperature checks, as required by the COVID-19 guidance document for long-term care homes in Ontario.

🔍  October 2021: Complaints Inspection

This inspection report for Extendicare Cobourg, by Lynda Brown, addresses several non-compliance issues. The inspection encompassed a range of areas, including Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC), maintenance, falls prevention, and sufficient staffing.

  • Accommodation Services: Failure to keep the home, furnishings, and equipment clean and sanitary. This includes large stains on carpets, soiled ceiling vents in the kitchen, and inadequate cleaning routines for various areas.
  • Maintenance Services: Inadequate schedules and procedures for routine, preventive, and remedial maintenance, including issues with the roofing system, moisture-damaged walls, stained ceiling tiles, and damaged cabinetry.
  • Door Security: Failure to ensure that doors leading to non-residential areas, specifically serveries, were kept locked when unsupervised.
  • Directives by Minister: Non-compliance with operational or policy directives, specifically related to COVID-19 screening and testing protocols for visitors and support workers.
  • Infection Prevention and Control Program: Staff non-compliance in the implementation of the infection control program, particularly in offering residents hand hygiene before and after meals.

🔍  June 2021: Complaints Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

🔍  June 2021: Critical Incident Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

🔍  June 2021: Follow-Up Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

🔍  April 2021: Critical Incident Inspection

This inspection report for Extendicare Cobourg, by Andrew Wisdom, addresses a Critical Incident System inspection. The inspection was focused on a specific incident involving a fall that resulted in a change in a resident’s condition.

The main finding of non-compliance was related to the home not ensuring a safe environment for its residents, specifically concerning the limitation of employee work locations in accordance with Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) COVID-19 protocols. This issue involved staff working at both the long-term care home and an adjacent retirement home, which was contrary to the COVID-19 Directive #3 for Long-Term Care Homes. This regulation mandated that long-term care home employees should not work in multiple locations, such as another long-term care home, a retirement home, or other health care settings, to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

A Compliance Order was initially issued but was rescinded and substituted with a Director Order following the Director’s review. The licensee was required to comply with the amended orders and had the right to request a review or appeal the director’s orders within a specified period.

🔍  February 2021: Complaints Inspection

This inspection report for Extendicare Cobourg, conducted by Karyn Wood, covers a complaint inspection. The inspection addressed multiple issues, including allegations of staff to resident neglect, medication management, and pest control.

The report reveals several non-compliances under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007. These non-compliances include failures in medication management, ensuring clean and sanitary home environments, and maintaining a safe and secure facility. Specific issues included the improper transfer of a resident due to unavailable specified equipment, and water infiltration leading to damage in various areas of the facility.

In response to these findings, the Ministry of Long-Term Care issued Written Notifications and Compliance Orders. These orders mandated corrective actions, including ensuring compliance with the care plans for residents, addressing maintenance issues, and instituting a preventive pest control program.

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