Centre d’Accueil Champlain

Centre d’Accueil Champlain (275 Perrier Street, Vanier) is a nursing home that is owned and operated by the City of Ottawa. There are approximately 280 beds.

Inspection Reports for Centre d’Accueil Champlain

Our research team at Caring Magazine carefully reviewed and summarized inspection reports for Centre d’Accueil Champlain. You can read the original copies of the reports in the Government of Ontario website.

September 2023: Inspection

During the course of this inspection, the inspector(s) made relevant observations, reviewed records and conducted interviews, as applicable. There were no findings of non-compliance.

August 2023: Inspection

The inspection at Centre d’Accueil Champlain focused on various critical incidents and complaints. The inspection was led by Kelly Boisclair-Buffam and Manon Nighbor.

  • Non-Compliance with Safe Storage of Drugs: The inspection found that a medication cart was left unattended and unlocked on a resident home area, posing a risk for residents to access all medication. This was observed by the inspectors, and when the Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) arrived at the cart, they stated they were assisting a resident. This issue highlighted a lapse in ensuring the security and safety of medication storage.
  • Non-Compliance with Residents’ Drug Regimes: The facility failed to adequately monitor and document the effectiveness of drugs administered to residents, particularly concerning the use of controlled substances for pain management. A specific case was noted where a resident was injured due to a fall and required a controlled substance for pain. However, the effectiveness of the medication was not documented in the Electronic Medication Administration Record (EMAR) or the documentation administration medication (DAM) progress notes. Interviews with staff members and a resident’s visitor confirmed this oversight.

May 2023: Inspection

The inspection at Centre d’Accueil Champlain in Vanier, Ottawa, conducted from April 25 to May 4, 2023, covered various complaints and critical incidents. This inspection was led by Linda Harkins and involved both onsite and offsite evaluations.

  • Non-Compliance with Plan of Care: Safety Risk (NC #001): There was a failure to comply with the requirements of the plan of care, specifically regarding the Personal Assistance Service Device (PASD) for a resident. A resident experienced an unwitnessed fall resulting in an injury after a Personal Support Worker (PSW) removed their lap belt. It was noted that the safety risk assessments related to the application of PASD for a lap belt and tilting the chair were inadequately documented in the resident’s care plan and kardex. This lapse in following the care plan’s safety requirements led to the resident’s fall.
  • Non-Compliance with Required Program: Fall Prevention (NC #002): The facility failed to comply with its Fall Prevention Program, particularly with the policy and procedure for “Lifting and Transferring of the resident.” A PSW mobilized a resident to sit on the toilet post-fall without the assessment of registered staff. This action was contrary to the facility’s policy, which requires a registered staff member to assess the resident post-fall to determine the appropriate type of transfer.

April 2022: Inspection

The inspection conducted at Centre d’Accueil Champlain, by inspector Manon Nighbor, focused on critical incidents and complaints related to falls, responsive behaviours, and alleged abuse and neglect.

  • Non-Compliance with Responsive Behaviours Protocol: The facility did not adequately identify behavioural triggers, develop and implement strategies to respond to these behaviours, and take actions to respond to the needs of residents, including assessments, reassessments, and interventions. The inspector identified that the Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) – Dementia Observation System (DOS), a tool used to monitor residents’ responsive behaviours, was not properly filled out in several instances, with missing documentation and incomplete analysis and planning sections.
  • Issues with Documentation and Monitoring of Responsive Behaviours: The report highlighted instances where DOS forms were either incomplete, missing, or inadequately filled out. This included the absence of documentation for certain shifts, failure to complete the analysis and planning sections, and lack of follow-up after incidents of responsive behaviours.

March 2022: Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

July 2021: Complaints Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

July 2021: Critical Incident Inspection

The inspection at Centre d’Accueil Champlain in Vanier, Ottawa, conducted from May 25 to July 15, 2021, by inspector Lyne Duchesne, focused on a critical incident involving allegations of staff to resident physical abuse. This Critical Incident System inspection included an extensive review of the facility’s handling of this specific incident as well as general compliance with long-term care home regulations.

  • Non-Compliance with Air Temperature Regulation (WN #1): The facility failed to comply with O.Reg 79/10, s. 21, which mandates the measurement and documentation of air temperature in the home. Specifically, the facility did not adequately measure and document the temperature in at least two resident bedrooms in different parts of the home, in one resident common area on every floor of the home, and at least three times a day (morning, afternoon, and evening/night).
  • Risk to Residents Due to Temperature Non-Compliance: The failure to monitor and document air temperatures as per legislated requirements between May 15 and June 14, 2021, presented a potential risk to residents, who could be impacted by elevated temperatures within the home. This oversight could affect the comfort and health of the residents, especially during periods of extreme weather.

June 2021: Complaints Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

June 2021: Critical Incident Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

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