Baycrest Centre (Jewish Home for the Aged)

Baycrest Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged (3560 Bathurst Street
North York) is operated by Baycrest Hospital, a not-for-profit operator long-term care homes in Canada. The facility has a capacity of approximately 470 beds.

Table of Contents

Performance Indicators for Baycrest Centre

We conduct quantitative analyses of key indicators, including potential misuse of antipsychotics, potential excessive use of physical restraints, resident fall frequency, physical functioning, pressure ulcers, pain, and depression. These supplementary insights can enhance understanding of the underlying factors that influence the qualitative assessments from Google reviews, employee feedback, and Government of Ontario inspection reports.

Inspection Reports for Baycrest Centre

Our research team reviewed and summarized inspection reports for Baycrest Centre, Jewish Home for the Aged. You can read the original copies of the reports in the Government of Ontario website.

🔍  May 2024: Inspection

The inspection for Baycrest Centre, The Jewish Home for the Aged in North York, addressed several critical issues related to medication management, resident care documentation, and compliance with regulatory standards.

  • Residents’ Bill of Rights: The licensee failed to ensure the confidentiality of residents’ personal health information (PHI), as mandated by the Residents’ Bill of Rights. A complaint revealed that a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) improperly discarded medication strips containing residents’ PHI into a garbage bin instead of following established procedures. This breach raises concerns about protecting residents’ privacy and complying with the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004.
  • Skin and Wound Care: The licensee did not conduct a required head-to-toe skin assessment for a resident at risk of altered skin integrity upon their return from hospitalization, as per regulatory standards. This oversight in skin assessment protocols jeopardizes the timely identification and management of skin conditions, potentially compromising resident well-being.
  • Reporting Critical Incidents: The licensee failed to promptly report a disease outbreak to the Director using the Ministry’s after-hours emergency contact method. Delayed reporting undermines the home’s ability to manage and mitigate the spread of infectious diseases, posing risks to resident health and safety.
  • Medication Management System: There were significant discrepancies in the medication management system, with instances where medications were not administered as prescribed and were inaccurately documented. Surveillance footage and electronic Medication Administration Records (eMARs) revealed deviations from prescribed medication administration practices, highlighting risks of medication errors and compromised resident care.
  • Administration of Drugs: An investigation into a complaint regarding medication administration practices revealed that an RPN failed to administer medications as directed by the prescriber. Despite documentation to the contrary on the eMAR, surveillance footage indicated lapses in medication administration protocols. This discrepancy raises concerns about adherence to medical directives and resident welfare.

🔍  April 2024: Inspection

The inspection for Baycrest Centre, The Jewish Home for the Aged, North York, addressed multiple intakes relating to complaints related to incompetent care by staff towards residents and regarding continence care and staff incompetence

  • Plan of Care: The licensee failed to ensure a resident’s plan of care was followed regarding wound care interventions. Despite a specified plan, the resident did not receive the required care, potentially delaying wound healing.
  • Infection Prevention and Control: Staff did not adhere to infection prevention protocols, specifically in the proper use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) during resident care. This lapse could lead to increased risks of infectious disease transmission among residents.
  • Administration of Drugs: There were violations in medication administration practices where a resident’s medication was administered without necessary equipment, contrary to the prescriber’s directions. This failure to follow medication protocols posed risks to the accuracy and safety of medication administration.

🔍  February 2024: Inspection

The inspection for Baycrest Centre, The Jewish Home for the Aged, North York, addressed multiple intakes involving improper/incompetent Treatment, fall prevention and management, outbreak management, unknown cause of injury and neglect of a resident.

  • Non-Compliance Remedied: During the inspection, non-compliance issues were identified and promptly remedied by the licensee. One notable instance involved the failure to include fall interventions in a resident’s care plan, despite acknowledgment by staff of their necessity. This oversight was rectified following notification, ensuring the resident’s safety in subsequent care provisions.
  • Documentation and Plan of Care: Several instances of non-compliance related to documentation and adherence to care plans were noted. These included failures to document meal intake for residents, discrepancies in implementing continence care as outlined in care plans, and inadequate revisions of care plans in response to changing resident needs. Each case required written notification to ensure corrective actions were taken promptly to mitigate risks to resident health and well-being.
  • Minister’s Directives: The report also highlighted non-compliance with Ministerial directives concerning COVID-19 response measures. Specifically, staff failed to adhere to masking requirements in resident care areas, posing risks of infection transmission to residents, staff, and visitors. These breaches necessitated adherence to specific directives and ongoing compliance monitoring to uphold infection prevention and control standards.
  • Infection Prevention and Control: Instances of non-compliance with infection prevention and control protocols were documented during the inspection. These included failures to perform proper hand hygiene after resident interactions and inadequate implementation of masking policies outside resident rooms. Written notifications emphasized the importance of adherence to established protocols to prevent infection transmission and protect resident health.
  • Infection Prevention and Control: Another instance of non-compliance with infection prevention and control protocols involved failure to adhere to masking requirements in resident care areas. Private caregivers were observed without masks in the hallway, contrary to the Baycrest Masking Policy (revised December 1, 2023), which mandates mask-wearing in areas where interactions with residents could occur. These breaches posed risks of infection transmission to residents, staff, and visitors, emphasizing the critical need for strict adherence to IPAC measures to maintain a safe care environment.

🔍  October 2023: Inspection

The inspection for Baycrest Centre, The Jewish Home for the Aged, North York, addressed multiple intakes involving improper care, falls prevention and management, and medication management.

  • Plan of Care: The inspection found that a resident’s plan of care did not include documentation of a specific equipment used by Personal Support Workers (PSWs) to manage the resident’s responsive behavior during showers. Despite acknowledging the use of this intervention for safety, both a Nurse Manager (NM) and a Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) confirmed it was not documented. This oversight increased the resident’s risk of falls and injuries.
  • Plan of Care: Another resident’s care plan lacked clear instructions for registered staff regarding the administration of medication. This led to inconsistencies where a medication was administered with a different consistency than ordered, increasing the risk of aspiration for the resident. Interviews with staff, including Registered Practical Nurses (RPNs) and a Registered Dietitian (RD), highlighted the lack of standardized directions for medication administration.
  • Infection Prevention and Control Program: The inspection identified a breach in the home’s Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) program related to hand hygiene protocols. A PSW was observed entering and exiting a resident’s room without performing required hand hygiene, despite handling soiled laundry and wearing disposable gloves. This failure to adhere to IPAC protocols significantly increased the risk of spreading infections within the facility.

🔍  July 2023: Inspection

The inspection for Baycrest Centre, The Jewish Home for the Aged, North York, addressed multiple intakes involving injury of unknown cause and resident-to-resident physical abuse.

  • Non-Compliance Remedied: The inspection identified a failure to minimize the risk of altercations between residents, leading to physical altercations. The home implemented interventions, but did not initially identify triggers for altercations in their care plans. Following the inspection, the plan of care for both residents was revised to include specific triggers, remedying the non-compliance.
  • Transferring and Positioning Techniques : Staff failed to use safe transferring techniques with a resident, contrary to the home’s policy and the resident’s care plan, resulting in an injury.
  • Falls Prevention and Management Program : The home did not comply with its falls prevention program by failing to reassess a resident after a fall as required. This oversight posed risks to resident safety, highlighting a need for adherence to policy regarding post-fall assessments by registered nursing staff.
  • Falls Prevention and Management: There was a failure to ensure routine monitoring of a resident by a PSW using specified protocols, known as purposeful rounding (4 P’s). Despite documentation, the PSW did not conduct these checks, potentially exposing the resident to increased fall risks. The home’s policies and protocols were not followed as required.
  • Responsive Behaviours : The inspection found that interventions for managing responsive behaviours were not implemented by assigned staff members as per policy. An external PSW from the Behavioural Support Outreach Team (BSOT) implemented an intervention for resident, despite not being assigned to them. This non-compliance posed risks due to the lack of familiarity with the resident’s care plan and specific needs.

🔍  May 2023: Inspection

The inspection for Baycrest Centre, The Jewish Home for the Aged, North York, addressed multiple intakes, including incidents related to medication management, falls prevention, transferring techniques, and infection prevention and control. Notably, previous Compliance Orders were found to be in compliance.

  • Remedied Non-Compliance (NC #001): A breach regarding confidentiality of personal health information for resident was observed when a document was left unattended in a dining area. The issue was immediately addressed by staff upon discovery, with corrective actions implemented on April 5, 2023.
  • Plan of Care: Resident experienced a fall due to the absence of a specified falls intervention as outlined in their care plan. Staff confirmed the intervention was not in place during the incident, exposing the resident to injury risk.
  • Prevention of Abuse and Neglect: Concerns were raised regarding neglect involving resident, who experienced adverse health effects due to insufficient monitoring after receiving a high-dose medication regimen. This failure jeopardized the resident’s health and well-being.
  • Required Programs: The home’s Falls Prevention and Management policy was violated when staff moved resident before a necessary assessment post-fall, thereby increasing the risk of further injury.
  • Reporting and Complaints: Issues were identified in responses to written complaints regarding the inclusion of mandatory Ministry contact information and the confirmation of reporting to the Director, respectively. Although no harm occurred, these lapses necessitated corrective measures.

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