AgeCare Aylmer

AgeCare Aylmer (formerly known as Chartwell Aylmer) is operated by AgeCare, a for-profit operator of long-term care homes in Canada. There are approximately 60 beds.

AgeCare Aylmer (465 Talbot Street West, Aylmer) is operated by AgeCare, a for-profit operator of long-term care homes in Canada. There are approximately 60 beds.

AgeCare Aylmer is formerly owned and operated by Chartwell, a for-profit operator of senior accommodations in Canada. The facility was previously known as Chartwell Aylmer Long Term Care Residence.

Our research team carefully reviewed and summarized inspection reports for AgeCare Aylmer. You can read the original copies of the reports in the Government of Ontario website.

Inspection Reports for AgeCare Aylmer

Chartwell completed its sale of long-term care homes to AgeCare on September 6, 2023. Inspection results after this date should not be attributed to Chartwell operations.

🔍  January 2024: Inspection

During the course of this inspection, the inspector(s) made relevant observations,
reviewed records and conducted interviews, as applicable. There were no findings
of non-compliance.

🔍  October 2023: Inspection

The inspection for AgeCare Aylmer addressed critical incidents relating to falls prevention and management and an incident that led to a significant change in a resident’s health status.

  • Safety & Security: There were notable safety concerns on the grounds of the home, affecting where residents could travel. A resident, capable of making their own decisions and enjoying time outdoors, sustained an injury that significantly changed their health status and ultimately led to their death.
  • Safety Policy: The inspection revealed the absence of a specific policy at AgeCare Aylmer regarding the safety of residents on the home’s grounds. The resident involved did not have additional safety measures in their care plan to ensure their safety while traveling on the grounds.

AgeCare was ordered to develop and implement a policy focused on resident safety, assess residents for safety before allowing access to the home’s grounds, implement necessary safety measures, and ensure staff training on resident safety.

Inspection Reports for Chartwell Aylmer Long Term Care Residence

Chartwell completed its sale of long-term care homes to AgeCare on September 6, 2023. Inspection results before this date should not be attributed to AgeCare operations.

🔍  August 2023: Inspection

During an inspection at Chartwell Aylmer Long Term Care Residence, critical incidents including falls and alleged abuse of a resident were investigated.

  • Abuse Investigation: A critical incident report related to alleged abuse of a resident indicated that the staff observed the resident with an injury. However, there was a delay in reporting and initiating an investigation into the abuse allegation, violating the requirement for immediate action.
  • Reporting to the Director: The incident of alleged abuse and the resident’s resulting injury were not reported to the Director immediately as required. Instead, the report was made four days after the incident, highlighting a failure in adhering to reporting obligations.
  • Skin and Wound Care: Upon discovering a resident’s injury, the staff failed to conduct a skin assessment using a clinically appropriate instrument. This neglect directly contradicts the home’s policy on wound care treatment, which mandates comprehensive skin and wound assessments by registered nursing staff for residents with altered skin integrity.

🔍  April 2023: Proactive Compliance Inspection

During a proactive compliance inspection at Chartwell Aylmer Long Term Care Residence, inspectors focused on multiple areas, including skin and wound prevention and management, resident care and support services, and medication management, among others.

  • Bathing Protocol: Despite the policy requiring residents to be bathed at least twice a week according to their preference, documentation and interviews revealed that a resident who refused their scheduled bath was not offered an alternative bathing option promptly, nor was a make-up bath provided in the following days. This lapse indicated a failure to adhere to the regulated standard of care and personal hygiene maintenance, posing a minimal risk to the resident’s well-being.

🔍  March 2022: Critical Incident Inspection

During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.

🔍  February 2022: Critical Incident Inspection

The inspection for Chartwell Aylmer Long Term Care Residence focused on a critical incident, specifically related to falls prevention and management. This inspection was conducted by Stephanie Morrison.

  • Plan of Care: The licensee did not ensure a resident was reassessed, and their plan of care was reviewed and revised when their care needs changed after a fall with injury. This omission put the resident at an increased risk of future falls and not having their care needs met.
  • Administration of Drugs: There was a failure to ensure that drugs were administered only by a physician, dentist, registered nurse, or registered practical nurse. This non-compliance increased the risk of a medication-related adverse event for residents.
  • Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Program: The inspection found that not all staff participated in the implementation of the IPAC program, particularly in offering or completing resident hand hygiene before serving meals or snacks. This increased the risk of infectious disease contamination.

The licensee was asked to prepare a voluntary plan of correction (VPC) to address non-compliance issues.

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