Lakeside Long Term Care Centre (150 Dunn Avenue, Toronto) is managed by Extendicare, a for-profit operator of long-term care homes in Canada. There are approximately 130 beds in private, semi-private and shared rooms.
Lakeside Long Term Care Centre is affiliated with the University Health Network.
Inspection Reports for Lakeside Long Term Care Centre
Our research team carefully reviewed and summarized inspection reports for Lakeside Long Term Care Centre. You can read the original copies of the reports in the Government of Ontario website.
🔍 October 2023: Inspection
The inspection for Lakeside Long Term Care Centre focused on critical incidents, falls prevention and management, and infection prevention and control. The inspection team, led by Parimah Oormazdi and assisted by Patricia McFadgen, evaluated several incidents, including unknown causes of injury and significant changes in residents’ conditions.
A notable finding was a non-compliance issue related to the facility’s failure to immediately report an unknown cause of injury for a resident to the Director. The oversight was identified when a staff member discovered a resident’s injury but did not report it to management promptly. This lapse in communication was only acknowledged after the resident’s Substitute Decision Maker (SDM) filed a complaint regarding the injury, which was subsequently reported to the Director. The Senior Director of Care confirmed that the incident should have been reported immediately, highlighting a significant gap in the facility’s adherence to reporting protocols.
🔍 May 2023: Inspection
The inspection for Lakeside Long Term Care Centre addressed multiple critical incidents, complaints, and systemic issues. The inspection team, including Ryan Randhawa, Michael Chan and Slavica Vucko, focused on complaints and incidents involving abuse, medication management, improper/incompetent care, and falls prevention and management.
- Administration of Drugs: A significant breach was identified where a resident was administered medication not prescribed to them, leading to hospitalization. The incident highlighted a failure in medication management protocols and adherence to the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) and the home’s policies.
- Plan of Care: The inspection revealed that a resident did not receive the specified care as outlined in their plan, particularly in relation to assistance with activities of daily living (ADL). This oversight contributed to unsafe care for the resident.
- Responsive Behaviours: There was a failure to implement strategies to manage a resident’s responsive behaviours as developed in their care plan. This neglect heightened the risk of escalation in responsive behaviours and potential injury.
- Reporting Critical Incidents: The facility did not report a fall that resulted in significant health changes for a resident within the mandated timeframe to the Director. This lapse in reporting was acknowledged by the Senior Administrator.
🔍 December 2022: Inspection
The inspection for Lakeside Long Term Care Centre was led by Nira Khemraj and supported by Slavica Vucko. It focused on various critical incidents and complaints, including injuries of unknown etiology, falls resulting in hospitalization, improper transfers, and issues related to personal care services.
- Enrollment in Training Program: The home rectified a non-compliance issue related to the Administrator’s enrollment in a required long-term care home administration or management program by November 30, 2022.
- Dignity and Respect: The home failed to respect resident #009’s preference for meal locations, compromising their dignity and respect. This was due to inadequate assistance provided by the staff for the resident to dine in their preferred location.
- Plan of Care: The licensee did not ensure the participation of resident #002’s substitute decision-maker (SDM) in the development and implementation of the care plan, especially regarding changes in the resident’s health status prior to hospitalization.
- Mandatory Reporting to the Director: There was a failure to immediately inform the Director about an incident that caused injury to resident #001, resulting in hospitalization and significant health changes.
- Transferring and Positioning Techniques: Unsafe transferring and positioning techniques were used with residents #003 and #007, leading to injuries. This indicated a lack of adherence to the residents’ care plans specifying safe transfer devices and techniques.
- Absent Residents: The home did not maintain contact with resident #002 or their health care provider during a medical absence to determine when the resident would return, failing to initiate an investigation after the resident’s death.
🔍 July 2022: Inspection
During the course of this inspection, the inspector(s) made relevant observations, reviewed records and conducted interviews, as applicable. There were no findings of non-compliance.
🔍 May 2022: Complaints Inspection
The inspection for Lakeside Long Term Care Centre focused on issues related to staffing, continence care, neglect, housekeeping, skin and wound care, and maintenance services. It also assessed the discharge of a resident. The inspection team included Katherine Adamski, Nuzhat Uddin, Kwesi Douglas and Sarah Kennedy.
- Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC): The home failed to ensure staff participation in the IPAC program, specifically regarding cleaning and disinfecting personal care equipment and hand hygiene practices.
- Maintenance Services: The inspection revealed failures in implementing schedules and procedures for routine, preventive, and remedial maintenance. This included issues with vanity drawers, water stains, and damage in resident rooms, among others.
- Skin and Wound Care: The home did not reassess residents #002 and #003’s altered skin integrity weekly as required.
- Housekeeping: There were deficiencies in developed and implemented procedures for cleaning the home, including resident bedrooms, floors, furnishings, and common areas.
- Plan of Care: The licensee failed to fully involve a resident’s Substitute Decision Maker in the development and implementation of the care plan.
- Continence Care and Bowel Management: A resident incontinent of bowel and bladder did not have an individualized plan of care implemented based on assessment.
- Additional Training for Direct Care Staff: Direct care staff were not provided with adequate training on skin and wound care.
The first compliance order related to IPAC, detailed requirements for alcohol-based hand rub availability, disinfectant supplies for lift and transfer equipment, and mandated routine audits for cleaning and hand hygiene practices.
A second compliance order addressed the need for a maintenance audit of all resident rooms, review and revision of the process for documenting maintenance concerns, and included specifications for follow-up actions and staff, resident, and family directions.
🔍 February 2022: Complaints Inspection
During the course of this inspection, Non-Compliances were not issued.
🔍 February 2022: Critical Incident Inspection
The inspection for Lakeside Long Term Care Centre, conducted by Joy Ieraci, focused on a critical incident related to an unexpected resident death.
- Failure to Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): An RPN provided care to a resident under contact precautions without the required PPE, contradicting the home’s Contact Precautions policy.
- Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Self-Audits: The home did not initiate required IPAC self-audits until February 2022, despite directives requiring regular audits to ensure compliance with IPAC standards.
- Symptom Screening: After a resident’s transfer from the hospital, the home failed to conduct twice daily symptom screenings for COVID-19, as required by the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s (CMOH) Directive #3 and COVID-19 Guidance for Long-Term Care Homes.
- Admission Screening: For a new admission in 2022, the home failed to conduct necessary twice daily symptom screenings for COVID-19 on certain dates post-admission.
A Voluntary Plan of Correction (VPC) was identified and issued to address non-compliance, ensuring the home undertakes corrective measures to provide a secure environment for its occupants.